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Is a pandemic a war

My former house in Sarajevo, just after the war (December 1995).

“Why are you fighting?” People asked me during the war in Yugoslavia. “Circumstances were tough and the economy was going badly,” I tried to explain. “People became frightened and then numb, they didn’t empathize with other people. And from there it went very fast.” My Dutch friends listened to my explanation, but they couldn’t imagine it. Now that a major crisis is looming all over the world and many people are living in fear, I wonder to what extent we can prevent insensitivity to others.

by Lidija Zelovic

Voor Lidija Zelovic is de huidige crisis aanleiding om terug te keren naar haar gedachten over Sarajevo en de herinneringen aan de oorlogen in voormalig Joegoslavië.  Ondanks de lockdown, reisbelemmeringen en gesloten grenzen is het hier en nu in Amsterdam nog altijd onlosmakelijk verbonden met de wijdere wereld om ons heen.


Soundtrackcity met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West Het huis van Amsterdam