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Black Queer Love: Jeremiah Richardson

What does it mean to you to be Black & LGBTI+ ?


Being black and LGBTI for me has never been a problem for me cause I accepted who I am , how I look and how I act and feel at very young age. I came to the realization that some people just don’t understand that and that’s ok.
I always knew who I was and accepting it was probably the best thing that could or happen in my life.

And im proud to say I am a fucking black gay man.

What does Black Queer Love/Magic mean to you? 


LOVE/MAGIC is an energy, a very strong one at that. Love can be transformative, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually when coming from a place that unconditional.

How does Black Queer Healing look like to you? How do you do it?


BLACK queer healing for me is just to be grateful to be alive, grateful to have a purpose, if your feeling closed in , anxious, and bored during these times, tap into a creative space, write a letter, draw something, make something, clear your mind.. perspective is everything.


This photo series is a collaboration between photographer Leonel Piccardo & Naomie Pieter for the launch of human rights movement Black Pride (NL)

Black Queer Love: Jeremiah Richardson


Soundtrackcity Het huis van Amsterdam met dank aan: Gemeente Amsterdam West